Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Chocolate Saltine Toffee

Everything is wrong about Christmas treats in July, everything but this pin...
Christmas Crack! or should I say July Junk!?
click here to repin! click here for instructions!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Sock Bun

"Your hair is so thick and luscious!" said no one ever when looking at my thin sad hairs. So when I saw this pin about faking and cheating to make your hair look awesome and full, I was sold! 
The sock bun! 
click here to repin
click here to see how-to step-by-step! 

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

S'mores Brownies

Tasty Tuesday, and do I mean Tasty! This week we made S'mores Brownies, prepare to be amazed!

First things first, click here make them yourself, and click here to repin

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Clean Toes

Okay I see this pin A LOT on Pinterest, and it looked pretty awesome, so I decided to test it out!
Click here to see how
Click here to repin

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Caramel Dip

Tasty Tuesday! My favorite day! Because I love food and chubs.. a lot.
This week my sister and I had to make some tasty gifts, so - of course -  we turned to Pinterest to show us the way! and we found this cute little pin!
click here for the blog recipe!
click here to repin!

Thursday, June 28, 2012


Well folks, it's time for my first crafty post! Before we being, I should inform you that I am horrible at sewing.. so if I can do you, you can too!
I found this pin a while ago, but I remembered it recently when i found a small sweater I was about to give away! Instead I decided to turn it into a cardigan! 

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Microwave Cake!

Lets get things started with a combination of pins. Have you ever heard of the microwave cake? Have you ever tried Oreo pudding? If you haven't, you are in for a treat!
Microwave cakes are pretty much awesome, basically you add some angle food cake mix with some chocolate cake mix, add some water, put in the micro wave for one minute, and tada! a cute little individual cake! 
On this blog, I won't so much teach step by step how to complete a receipe I found on Pinterest, I will give you the links to the pins and then show pictures of myself doing the receipe. I will then say whether I think the pin is a yay or nay!
Here are the Pins and their links;
Click here to learn how to make a Poke-a-Hole Chocolate cake with Oreo pudding!

 Click here to learn how to make a microwave cake!

Sunday, June 24, 2012


Hi there! Are you obsessed with Pinterest? So am I. But it's hard to know if the pins I'm pinning are the real deal! That's where this blog comes in. Here I will put pins to the test! How will I do it? Two days a week I will post a pin to test!
PinterestObsessions schedule:
Tasty Tuesdays
3/4 of my Pinterest pins have to do with food. On Tuesdays I will test one meal/dessert to see if they pass or fail in my book!
Thrifty Thursday
This is the day where I test pretty much anything else I want. This could include crafts, hair styles, nails, cleaning supplies, endless possibilities!

Come back and visit as often as you would like as I explore the wonderful world of Pinterest!