Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Chocolate Saltine Toffee

Everything is wrong about Christmas treats in July, everything but this pin...
Christmas Crack! or should I say July Junk!?
click here to repin! click here for instructions!

 Now, if you are one of those dieters who counts calories and cares about the size of your thighs, this probably isn't the best pin for you.. considering the picture above shows only the ingredients for a half batch. We just couldn't wrap our heads around two sticks of butter!
But  don't you worry! We have a guilt-free choice! (if you can call replacing regular saltines with  wheat saltines but keeping the stick of butter "guilt-free")
 Before you start, mentally prepare yourself for the fast pace, every 3 minutes, recipe! We didn't prepare, and that is why we missed a couple steps when taking pictures.
Don't be scared by the mass of bubbly goo on our wheat saltines, that's what it's suppose to look like!
 this is probably our favorite part, smoothing the chocolate chips, it's like painting a picture! a chubs-filled happy picture!
 and here's what it looked like after 20 minutes in the freezer! goodbye sticky goo hello crunchy chew!
look at that beauty!  glorious!
obviously, this is another YAY pin
***be sure to keep it in the fridge or freezer, the chocolate melts fast when kept out!

1 comment:

  1. thanks for the "healthy" version. you know i would have done that too. i'm ok with sugar, butter and chocolate, but white flour saltines...no way.
