Thursday, June 28, 2012


Well folks, it's time for my first crafty post! Before we being, I should inform you that I am horrible at sewing.. so if I can do you, you can too!
I found this pin a while ago, but I remembered it recently when i found a small sweater I was about to give away! Instead I decided to turn it into a cardigan! 

Sometimes, however Pinterest's pins don't have very helpful links. The link to this pin just when to a blog, a found a kind of similar post here, but not the same picture. If you really wanted to find it, you would have to go searching on, which isn't  necessarily a bad thing, because she has some amazing sewing tutorials on her blog that you might be interested in! 
Anyway, since I'm not very good at sewing, and i like to cut out what I find to be unnecessary steps, I just looked at the picture and did my own version! 

 I started off by cutting straight down the middle, I folded the edges in and sewed them to have a clean edge
 I decided to sew on some buttons, but buttons holes are far too advanced for me, so the buttons are just for show

and there you have it! A cute new cardigan out of an old sweater
I give this pin a YAY!

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